welcome to pinapelz.moe
rosemi erina reine usami vuln gnomechild rappy aiba sdvx


Ahoy! Thanks for visiting! I thought the old Linktree like site was pretty boring for a .moe domain, so I took matters into my own hands and "moeifyed" it!

Hope you enjoy your stay!

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Don-chan from Taiko no Tatsujin

Rhythm Game Tierlist

my personal tierlist for rhythm games. I try to judge a series as a whole since most of them keep the same mechanics in sequels

check it out here

can we just pretend there's something cool here?


nerdge programming
+ open source stuff 🤓

GitHub Logo github.com/pinapelz


random rambling
(sometimes technical stuff)


Super Secret Link

mystery link for true vtuber degens
I'll change it from time to time

🔒 https://link.moekyun.me/Y4z40E

even more links

more stuff to look at... may or may not be worth anything to you